What is Google Adsense (Earning Money with Google Adsense)

Google Adsense is a very clever ad system for webmasters that take minimum work for you to setup and use. Basically, you get text ads and sometimes graphic ads to display on your website that makes you money when your visitors click on them.

Why Google Adsense

As I mentioned before, you get ads that match your content almost perfect. Google checks your website and find out what it's all about, and display ads very similar to your content. The big difference with this is very easy to discover if you think of how much you hate normal banner ads ("free smiles" or "you are the 1.000.000th visitor"). Adsense ads really are interesting for your visitors, so they don't see them as intrusive. Sometimes I get emails from my visitors thanking me for websites they found through my ads ? So it makes me money and my visitors happy, and they keep coming back to the site.

On one of my sites, I use classic banner/popunder ads. One year ago I also added adsense, and now I make 50% of the sites revenue from adsense.

Good to know is that different areas pay different amount of money. Poker and gambling is traditionally paying pretty good (but the competition for gambling sites is pretty high…). Even though some areas pay much less than others, it's almost always good to use adsense....LINK